
Friday, March 8, 2013

Wedding hair transformation PART l

Here we go!! Today is the beginning of a series of blogs until we get to the finishing product of all this hard work on our wedding day!!
I'm sooo excited!
...and nervous for this hair transformation
...but still so excited ;)
Today I started the first step to my process and that is creating my own hair extensions!! As some of you may remember, last month I did a blog about link extensions... Well those kind won't be enough for this job sooo today I am showing you how to sew your own hair strands together and add clips for a set of totally awesome extensions that will rock your socks off!!
Lets get started!
I own my own 18 inch extensions with the clips already attached. They are the best extensions I have used so far but they didn't carry them in 22 inch sets. With that said, I was instructed to try out a  brand called Satin Strands. They came in my length and were also a little cheaper at $134.99. The catch to the cheaper price is I'm sure due to the fact that you need to sew the clips on yourself. Big deal! That's not an issue unless you are super pressed for time which I have some to spare so I bought my supplies and dipped out! Had I of ordered 22 inch quality extensions with clips already attached, they would of ran just under $200. You can also attach these not only by snap clips but by  weaving/braiding, bonding, or fusion techniques.
Note: You CAN go cheaper than $134.99... but you get what you pay for!! I do not recommend it if you plan to use them frequently! If its only a special occasion use, then knock yourself out and go for the cheaper sets.
I purchased these puppies below:
A product thumbnail of Satin Strands Premium 100% Human Hair Extensions 22" Rio Nights
Click on the link above to be directed to Sally Beauty and check out these extensions (and others!)
The supplies you will need are as follows:
Scissors, your typical hand needles, thread (I bought theirs but feel free to use your own) and 3-4 packets of snap clips. Not pictured: a measuring tape/ruler and needless to say: the hair!
Start off by carefully laying the hair out evenly on either the floor or a clean table. Take the tape measure (or what ever you are choosing to use) and measure the desired length of your first weft. I recommend using these measurements:
one 8 inch weft
one 7 inch weft
two 6 inch wefts
and a few 1 1/2 inch wefts (some of mine were 2 inch)
I left one small weft aside from the rest with no clip. It's just for future color testing.
Before you cut, fold the hair over so that its doubled. If you left it a single layer you would have a lot more wefts then you really need and that would be a lot more sewing and clips! This way the wefts are fuller and add more volume to your hair =)
Using your thread and needle, tie a double knot at the end of the thread so you are ready to sew!
Take a clip and make sure the rubber side is the side touching the hair! If not then it will clip wrong so make sure it will clip in to your head of hair the right way =)
Take your needle and thread and either start right next to the clip or in the first hole of the clip and pull it through both layers of the stitching of hair on top and the clip as shown below:
The clips need to be verrry close to the edge of the hair so that the ends of the weft do not stick out while you are wearing them.

 When you start to sew into the holes... I would sew through them about 2-3 times to make sure it has a secure hold on the weft.

Here is an example of what it should sort of look like when you are finished. Mine is not exactly perfect but its my first time as well, ha ha.

Those of you who know me or follow my blogs know that I currently have black hair... with that said, why on earth would I buy blonde??
Well if I am planning to possibly go with either an ombre style or a purple... the lighter the hair the better it is to work with! Plus, its easier to color extensions dark but making them lighter is a big NO-NO! Its tough to lighten them without drying them out and/or ruining them. I don't mess around with that.
My next blog about my wedding hair transformation (PART ll) will be the process of coloring my hair and these extensions so that they blend together! If I wore these right now I would look pretty wild!
 Stay tuned everyone!! More is yet to come in the following weeks and the big reveal of course =) 

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