
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Making it happen

Hey readers! I'm happy to report that i was fortunate enough to be able to purchase a new lens for my Canon Rebel today! I purchased it at National Camera Exchange. The one i had on it before was the factory lens that came with the camera. In a nutshell, it wasn't anything special. My new lens is designed for people who are focusing on taking professional portraits. I'm really excited because this allows me to take quality photos. Its been a dream of mine to be a photographer and I'm finally making it happen.
Maybe this coming summer i can save up for a lens that zooms in on objects more. That way my fiance and i can go on our nature walks and zoom in on objects far away like the eagles nest in the Sherburne County Wildlife Refuge. I love taking photos of landscapes. My fiance takes great photos while he is watching races so that's another reason why getting a lens that will zoom more is a good idea. If anyone has a blog about their photography, id love to check it out!
I was happy tonight when i realized i can start doing some of our son's photo shoots. He's 19 months old and a little ball of energy! This will be fun =)

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